Thursday, September 6, 2012


Fate is portrayed as the inescapable truth in both Oedipus and Minority Report, where as the oracles stated, Oedipus married his mother and killed his father, while in Minority Report John killed the murderer of his son. I do not believe in fate, for all the actions we are making are not predetermined, but cause a series of random actions. If there was a combination of both fate and free will, what would the purpose of fate be? Fate is a set path that nobody can alter, but if you add free will into there it just contradicts the entire idea of fate. I believe everything I have done is a string of random events, where everything randomly happens, from the steps i take to the people I talk to, none of it can be predetermined. Ultimately, fate does not exist and all of our present actions sets forward a potential path, which we can take or make other decisions not to.

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